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Featured Articles for the Month -- October,15 2002

Women in History: Is the Senate any place for a woman? This question dominated the 1948 US Senate Republican primary in the state of Maine. Contesting for the seat of retiring Senate Majority Leader, Wallace White, were the current governor, a former governor and a four-term member of the US House of Representatives named Margaret Chase Smith. Smith won and the rest is herstory. Click here for this article.



Social Activism: A recent government decision to give women thirty seats in the future 325-seat House of Representatives in Morocco has been viewed by gender and rights activists as a positive step, but they say the country still has a long way to go before Moroccan women are granted equality in all spheres. More ... just click.



Country Spotlight: The Middle East:Under the veil of Muhammad -- A number of recent cases have highlighted the repression of Muslim women and further fuelled western suspicions of Islam. But, many strict laws of Islam pre-date the religion. For this article, click here.



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