Women's Weekly
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Keeping the Legend
Alive E-zine

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Equity Programs and Women's Studies

National and Worldwide Women's Groups and
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About US

Browse our magazine on the web. We cover the latest issues for women emphasizing philosophical, feminist or educational agendas which are affected by the continuing globalization movement. Our research includes interviews and journal articles with leading women to gain their perspectives on where we've been, where we're going and what we need to do to establish full equality. This e-zine is published on the 15th of every month. We hope you enjoy reading this e-zine, and please feel free
to send us your submissions.

Weekly, we publish a newsletter on educational, social, economic and political updates concerning women worldwide. Sign up for automatic delivery in your email box.
Links to several other women's news services are also posted. Staying updated is essential in order to be an effective activist. Now, we also publish globalization news every other month.

Visit our rich array of links offered to conduct gender research. We have compiled links to several government and research organizations, databases, women's organizations and women's journals. This is updated semi annually featuring new reports and data sources.

  • Members:
    Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
  • National Council of Women's Organizations (NCWO)

Genderwatchers is a non-profit (501.C3) organization devoted to the advancement of women and girls. We believe the Internet offers a state-of- the-art mechanism for continuing to raise individual consciousness in a new world without borders. Hence, through education aimed at creating personal and social change, we can all move toward a global democracy.

Link to several education materials, classroom education equity materials and web sites, teacher training and curriculum outlines as well as monthly articles on the latest trends in education. In May 2001, we began distribution of a new monthly newsletter focused on providing all the top news stories in education worldwide. If you would like to sign up, CLICK here.

Review our current projects and email us if you wish to obtain any information on our latest endeavors. Currently, we are examining the effects of "Internet Activism" on the feminist movement. At this time, we have several projects underway in the areas of women in engineering and women's labor and work patterns in light of the advancement of global and communications and technology .

Send us Your Link -- Click Here

Last Updated 04/30/02